Closures and packaging:

Global closures market

Published on August 15, 2017

Keeping tabs on trends in the global closures market is tricky business. The OIV estimated global production in 2015 at 275 mhl. That’s more than 36 billion bottle-equivalents, but that top line number includes all formats – bag-in-box, tetrapak, pouches etc. Closure estimates are somewhere around the 20 billion mark.

Sustainability credentials of different closure types

Published on May 16, 2016

It’s more than a decade since the WWF and the cork industry tried using the endangered Iberian lynx to emote consumers into using cork stoppers in preference to rapidly emerging synthetic and screwcap options. Since then, sustainability performance has become a key business indicator, and environmental sustainability (along with economic and social sustainability) is increasingly regarded as an essential part of a product’s passport to business. Where are the different closure options at?

Are we reaching closure on the closure debate?

Published on March 18, 2016

Does a declining prevalence of media critical of TCA/TBA levels and of reduction and oxidation issues suggest that we’re nearly there on the closure debate? Or maybe that we’re more accepting of, or even inured to, complacent about, the levels of these faults? Has industry become complacent?

Closures – research and innovation

Published on August 21, 2015

There’s a lot going on in the closure world, though it may be some time before we get to hear about some of it. TCA et al. seems to be hanging around in the corner, or even, dare one suggest, drifting off in a state of ennui. OTR is the bigger fish these days. And sustainability issues provide more innovative excitement than anything to do with TCA.

Closure trends

Published on May 8, 2012

Nomacorc are the second largest closure manufacturer in the world, after cork stopper producer Amorim, selling a projected 2.4 billion units in 2011, but the synthetic category has experienced significant consolidation in the last couple of years. Will synthetic closures be squeezed out by cork and screwcap?

Reasons to choose stoppers

Published on November 14, 2011

There are many reasons why producers select particular types of closures, and while quality is always high up the list in the mix of reasons, it’s not always the one that holds sway in the final reckoning.

Recycling cork stoppers

Published on November 13, 2011

Recycling cork stoppers for use in the manufacture of non-stopper products, or for re-use in other programmes is beginning to get off the ground in a potentially meaningful way.

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified cork stoppers

Published on November 12, 2011

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has been certifying Mediterranean cork forests since 2005. Certification means cork oak growers can supply to cork stopper manufacturers traceable cork planks from forests certified to adopt landscape-sustainable practices.

DO + HO = TPO (the new equation for successful bottling)

Published on May 18, 2011

Forget closure OTR (oxygen transmission rate) for the moment. In closing up a wine bottle, TPO (total package oxygen) is where the TLAs (three letter acronyms) are at, and the bottling operation is the bigger oxygen issue by far.

Branded closures

Published on February 19, 2011

Intel has become one of the best know brands of computer chips, and our lives rely on that ‘invisible’ piece of technology. Just as wine relies completely on the closure, so should closure companies pursue the ‘Intel inside’ concept of quality perception?

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