About Sally Easton MW

Sally blending Bordeaux
Sally Easton is one of only 420 Masters of Wine in the world. She is also one of few independent wine writers to have both the Master of Wine and a Masters degree in journalism. Not content with the MW, when she left her buying job in industry, she wanted to ensure she was best equipped to write professionally, as her writing takes up a goodly chunk of her work portfolio.
Another considerable portion of Sally’s work involves teaching both trade members and consumers, notably at the WSET. She also consults to the wine industry on sourcing, ranging and quality issues.
Additionally, Sally hires herself out for corporate events to deliver fun and quirky wine tasting events/seminars/dinners/talks.
She is also an experienced wine judge on the national and international circuit.
Sally published her first book in December 2017. Rather excitingly, it won an international award, and a national one.
See Hire Sally tab for a list of opportunities to work with Sally.
About winewisdom.com
This website shows a growing collection of Sally’s writing work.
Some has previously been published elsewhere in print. Others are writings published uniquely on this site.
There is no charge to use the site. Please enjoy browsing it, and find some really good stuff about wine.
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About the MW
The MW is all about excellence, in all things to do with the geographical and commercial world of wine, including business, communication, production across the whole quality spectrum, technical issues, social issues, health issues and the sheer joy of wine.
It’s the Hollywood and Harvard of the wine world … or the Pinewood and Cambridge/Oxford?
Click for the Masters of Wine website.